Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Coco Bandero Cays

We are now in the Coco Bandero Cays and this so far is the most beautiful place we have been in the San Blas. We keep extending our stay here, but there is more to see so eventually we will have to let go. We can't post a picture, but if you look up 'The Panama Cruising Guide' 4th edition, by Eric Bauhaus, the cover photo (if shown on the net) is the Coco Bandero Cays. The guide, by the way is the best cruising guide we have used anywhere. We are anchored among several very small cays, each totally rimmed with sandy beaches and covered with coconut palms. We exercise by walking the perimeters of the cays.

We are anchored in a spot popular with the pelicans, so in the late afternoon we are entertained watching them dive for their supper. I have taken to rating their dives, just like the Olympic diving judges, especially if two or more dive together so I can rate the synchronized diving.

Somewhere along the way we picked up a gecko, probably during the summer at Red Frog. He is very shy so we don't see him often, but we do find his droppings. That is the one downside of geckos on-board. The other morning we found he had helped himself to our tomatoes we had left out.

Speaking of wildlife, we did see a crocodile while anchoring at Nargana, and a good sized one at that. We had been hoping for a sighting. We have also seen sea turtles, rays, dolphins and the beaches where we are now have plenty of starfish.

A part on our watermaker failed and it cannot be repaired until I can get a replacement. We now are collecting rain water to meet all of our water needs. So far there has been plenty of rain, so we are doing well in that regard.

Posted from Coco Bandero Cays

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