Friday, November 23, 2012

A San Blas Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day we moved from Coco Bandero Cays to the Holandes Cays. Along the way we caught a pretty good sized fish, which was our hope, so we could have a special Thanksgiving Day meal. There are relatively few United States flagged vessels here, most seeming to be from European countries so it seemed a little different. There was no chance for turkey and all that goes with it, as getting even bare essentials here is difficult, so fish cooked on the grill was a great substitute. We are certainly thankful for all our blessings no matter where we are. The Holandes Cays are the furthest from the mainland and therefore they have the clearest water. We are anchored in thirty feet, but the bottom is quite visible. These cays are protected by a large and wide reef so while the surf is crashing nearby, it is peaceful on our side of the reef.

We are checking the weather closely now, looking for an opportunity to sail to Providencia, Colombia. Some may remember we spent most of last December in Providencia including Christmas. It is a two day, two night trip from here so we need a pretty decent window. There will be a few boats leaving once the window opens up so we will have company along the way.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Happy Thanksgiving. It sounds so peaceful and relaxing there. Make sure you keep us posted when you cross. Love Kim and family.