Friday, November 04, 2011

Lago Atitlan - May 2011

High on our list of places to visit in Guatemala was Lago Atitlan. It lies at the foot of three large dormant volcanoes. It is in our minds the loveliest place in all of Guatemala.

Lago Atitlan

After returning to Monkey Bay, we very quickly got Ariel ready so we could leave it for a few months. We decided to stop in Antigua, our most favorite place in Guatemala on our way out of the country, and from there do a three day trip to Lago Atitlan. In Antigua, we usually stay at Casa Cristina, a small hotel in a quiet neighborhood, just a bit away from city center. The owner is nice, speaks English, and we were sure she would agree to hold our luggage while we took our trip to Lago Atitlan. Bill and Pat off Mobetah had left Monkey Bay a few days ahead of us for an inland trip to the west coast with Rodney and Katrina off Angelina. We planned to met them in Antigua and then travel together to Lago Atitlan. They arrived and we spent a couple days enjoying Antigua together. We used a travel agent in Antigua to book our transportation to and from Lago Atitlan and to book a hotel in Panajachel.

Our hotel, Jardines, is the nicest we have stayed at in Central America with a wonderful view of the lake and volcanoes from our room. It was also very close to the ferry dock so it made it easy to come and go.  Our first stop after checking in was to have lunch at La Casa del Mundo. Everyone that we talked to about their experiences at Lago Atitlan highly recommended staying at least one night at La Casa del Mundo. We decided since our stay was to be so short just to have lunch. La Casa del Mundo is situated on it's own remote cliff. After the water taxi left us on their dock, the first order of business was the climb to the top. The place is remarkedly beautiful and the view of Lago Atitlan is spectacular. We enjoyed touring the grounds and we also enjoyed wonderful meals. We took a private taxi back to Panajachel after negotiating down to the public rate.

Restaurant - La Casa del Mundo
The next day we decided to visit San Pedro, which is on the opposite side of the lake. The water taxi ride in itself was quite an experience. Firstly, the taxi does not leave until it is absolutely filled. So it is just luck as to whether it is a short or long wait. Secondly, the lake anytime after early morning will be deceivingly rough. It is a long ride to San Pedro, and for us it was very rough and very wet. They provide blue tarps for the passengers in front to shield the spray, but regardless we were all dripping. The constant thought is that we will still need to go back later and it will be even worse.

San Pedro was a nice little village. We enjoyed lunch there and did some shopping. We bought some cushion covers made from hulpil, which is a woman’s blouse. We know the patterns from the village of San Antonio, also on Lago Atitlan so we purposely selected those patterns.

Just after returning to Panajachel, again tired and a little wet from our boat ride, we discovered our camera was missing. I remembered laying it down while paying for our cushion covers. I had to beat myself to get back on the water taxi for a another round-trip ride to San Pedro. They had my camera, but before returning I felt I owed myself a burger and a couple beers. Back at Panajachel, the gang was growing concerned by the time I finally arrived back.

While wandering the markets in Panajachel we ran into Marguerite, a young Mayan girl that we had met in Rio Dulce. She had come to Rio Dulce to sell their goods, but it didn't work out and she was sent back. She was on the streets, along with her grandmother selling their goods.


After returning to Antigua we spent a couple more days, and then we went our separate ways. We took a shuttle directly to the airport in Guatemala City. Bill and Pat returned to Rio Dulce as they still planned another month on Mobetah before returning to the United states.

   Pictures - Lago Atitlan    

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