Monday, June 09, 2008

On From Washington

We are now in the Solomons after our week in Washington. Our last visit to the Solomons was during a heavy downpour so we didn't get to go ashore. This time we plan to stay a few days. Our time in Washington was interesting. We had some severe thunderstorms, followed later in the week by a heat wave with temperatures at 98 and the humidity near 100%. Our highlights were the WWII Memorial as we mentioned, the Holocaust Museum (exceptional), and the Botanical Gardens. The only exhibit we paid for was the Spy Museum and for us it was a big disappointment. We kept cool by visiting the art galleys and museums during the afternoon heat. Our return trip down the Potomac was delayed two hours waiting for the morning fog to lift. This ruined our plans to stop at different places on the way down. The river was littered with debris from the storms. This was mostly small branches, but also some very large logs which could cause some damage. By late the first day we got ahead the the debris and didn't see any on the second day. It was a long trip up and back down the river but well worth the effort.

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