We are just back from Christmas vacation. It could not have been nicer. While a lot of driving, it was broken up into manageable pieces as we stopped and visited family along the way to Grand Rapids, Michigan and back. We spent
Christmas Eve weekend with Norm's mother. Her and our long time friend Annette came down and we had some good games of Grumble Rummy. Christmas day we went to Norm's brother Bill's.

His kids Chad and Alicia were there for awhile. Bill always makes stuffed cabbage (the best) on Christmas day along with pies.
We played dominos in between eating
and snacking.

The day after Christmas we travelled onto Avon Lake, Ohio to have our Christmas with Kim, Jason, Micheal and Evelyn.

It was fun to watch Michael and Evelyn opened their presents. Kim made a wonderful ham dinner, which included my favorite potatoes and fruit salad which her and Linda just love. The following day we travelled on to
Kentwood. Michigan stopping in Findley, Ohio along the way.
Brinkman's Turkey Farm is just outside of Findley.
Brinkmans is noted for their canned meats that many cruising boats order. We made up a case with a mixed selection which we will sample before ordering larger quantities. Arriving at Dan and Lesli's we were greeted by Thomas and Lesli.
Thomas's initial reaction was to burst into tears. We think he was confused by the presents we were carrying. He quickly warmed to us and was a real joy.

We had a great time watching him opened his presents and then playing, reading and just spending time with him, Dan and Lesli. On Friday we started the return trip after a failed attempt to have breakfast at Bob Evans. Thomas developed an
upsett stomach just before we ordered so they could not stay. We said our goodbyes in

an awkward situation and then we were off to Scott and Pamela's in
Broadview Heights, Ohio.

They really
surprised us with matching polo shirts and
fleece jackets with the Island Packet star logo and Ariel
embroidered on them. They jointly made a wonderful turkey dinner. We got to see their pictures and hear about their recent trip to the Dominion Republic. New Eve day we made the return trip to our home in Massachusetts allowing us New Years day to rest up and put decorations away.
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