The pace is pretty quick right now. We are trying to maximize our time with family this summer so we were off again. We had a flight to Cleveland on Saturday and spent Saturday night with Scott and Pamela. Scott surprised me with four new baseball hats with the
IP star embroidery. We have adopted this as Ariel's logo. It is uncanny how he can read my mind especially over such a long distance. I was planning to ask him to have some more made but he beat me to the punch. Sunday we drove to Grand Rapids to visit Dan, Lesli and Thomas. Linda spent the week, and Monday morning I drove onto
Mishawaka, Indiana for project work.
Mishawaka is just outside of South Bend and only a two hour drive south from Grand Rapids. At first Thomas was afraid of us, as he hadn't seen us since Christmas, but he warmed up very quickly. We had expected this reaction since it was the same at Christmas. I returned to Grand Rapids Thursday afternoon and worked remotely from there on Friday. Both Dan Lesli work so Linda and then the both of us got to baby sit. It was a delight to spend time with Thomas.

He will be three in October and he is very curious, bright

and of course energetic. Saturday we were on our way early back to Ohio for a planned lunch with our friends John and Linda Piper. John and Linda just finished almost two years of cruising. Over the years as we all excganged idesa as we planned the live aboard cruising life.. They just bought a condominium back in Ohio, where they started. It is hard to believe they are moving back on land and we haven’t even left yet. They made two trips south, spending much of the first winter in Charleston, SC and the second in Florida, most of it in Fort Myers. Later in the day we stopped to visit Kim, Jason, Michael and Evelyn in Avon Lake. We
couldn’t stay long as we were supposed to be dog sitting for Scott and Pamela and we were running late. We will be back in Ohio in two weeks so we
didn’t feel too bad. Sunday morning we visited a little with Scott and Pamela, but they were exhausted from returning late from a wedding reception the night before. A little before lunch we were off to the airport, and arrived back on Ariel at about 8 pm after checking on the house on the way. While we enjoyed the week, we were also glad to be home again, although only for three nights this time before we are off again.